Sunday, March 12, 2017

Intro to C++ Part 12

  • How Do I Start a Program? 

  1.  Identify inputs and outputs.
  2. Understand what you asked for ( Ask Questions ).
  3. Break the program down. // Functions
  4. into steps, writing each step in pseudocode English.
  5.  Replace each pseudocode step with C++ codes.

Notes :

  1. Most programmers find that placing each name definition on a separate line
    is clearer. The word 
    const is often called a modifier because it modifies (restricts) the
    variables being declared.
    A variable declared using the 
    const modifier is often called a declared constant.  
    • const double RATE = 6.9;  
  2. static_cast<Type>(Expression)const_cast<Type>(Expression)dynamic_cast<Type>(Expression)reinterpret_cast<Type>(Expression)  
  3. Notice that the two increment operators in n++ and ++n have the same effect on a
    n: They both increase the value of n by 1. But the two expressions evaluate to
    different values. Remember, if the
    ++ is before the variable, the incrementing is donebefore the value is returned; if the ++ is after the variable, the incrementing is done afterthe value is returned.  
  4. You cannot apply the increment and decrement operators to anything other than a
    single variable. Expressions such as
    (x + y)++, --(x + y), 5++, and so forth, are all
    illegal in C++.

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