Wednesday, March 22, 2017

C++ Part 36

4. Register Storage Class

Register storage assigns a variable's storage in the CPU registers rather than primary memory. It has its lifetime and visibility same as automatic variable. The purpose of creating register variable is to increase access speed and makes program run faster. If there is no space available in register, these variables are stored in main memory and act similar to variables of automatic storage class. So only those variables which requires fast access should be made register.

Syntax of Register Storage Class Declaration

register datatype var_name1 [= value];
For example,
register int id;
register char a;

Example of Storage Class

Example 2: C++ program to create automatic, global, static and register variables.
using namespace std;

int g;    //global variable, initially holds 0

void test_function()
    static int s;    //static variable, initially holds 0
    register int r;    //register variable
    cout<<"Inside test_function"<<endl;
    cout<<"g = "<<g<<endl;
    cout<<"s = "<<s<<endl;
    cout<<"r = "<<r<<endl;

int main()
    int a;    //automatic variable
    cout<<"Inside main"<<endl;
    cout<<"a = "<<a<<endl;
    cout<<"g = "<<g<<endl;
    return 0;
In the above program, g is a global variable, s is static, r is register and a is automatic variable. We have defined two function, first is main() and another is test_function(). Since g is global variable, it can be used in both function. Variables r and s are declared inside test_function() so can only be used inside that function. However, s being static isn't destroyed until the program ends. When test_function() is called for the first time, r is initialized to 5 and the value of s is 10 which is calculated from the statement,
After the termination of test_function(), r is destroyed but s still holds 10. When it is called second time, r is created and initialized to 5 again. Now, the value of s becomes 20 since s initially held 10. Variable a is declared inside main() and can only be used inside main().
Inside test_function
g = 25
s = 10
r = 5
Inside main
a = 17
g = 25
Inside test_function
g = 25
s = 20
r = 5

5. Mutable Storage Class

In C++, a class object can be kept constant using keyword const. This doesn't allow the data members of the class object to be modified during program execution. But, there are cases when some data members of this constant object must be changed. For example, during a bank transfer, a money transaction has to be locked such that no information could be changed but even then, its state has be changed from - started to processing to completed. In those cases, we can make these variables modifiable using a mutable storage class.

Syntax for Mutable Storage Class Declaration

mutable datatype var_name1;
For example,
mutable int x;
mutable char y;

Example of Mutable Storage Class

Example 3: C++ program to create mutable variable.
using namespace std;

class test
    mutable int a;
    int b;
        test(int x,int y)
        void square_a() const
        void display() const
            cout<<"a = "<<a<<endl;
            cout<<"b = "<<b<<endl;

int main()
    const test x(2,3);
    cout<<"Initial value"<<endl;
    cout<<"Final value"<<endl;
    return 0;
A class test is defined in the program. It consists of a mutable data member a. A constant object x of class test is created and the value of data members are initialized using user-defined constructor. Since, b is a normal data member, its value can't be changed after initialization. However a being mutable, its value can be changed which is done by invoking square_a() method. display() method is used to display the value the data members.
Initial value
a = 2
b = 3
Final value
a = 4
Source:, submitted  by:Sagun Shrestha

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