Saturday, March 11, 2017

Intro to C++ Part 1

What Is Computer Science? 

The science of computing with four major components:
  1.  Compatibility: Characterize the set of problems that can be solved using some [abstract or real] machine (theory courses)
  2.  Languages: Express a problem in a precise form so that it can be solved on a target machine (programming courses)
  3.  Systems: Develop hardware and software systems that can execute programming language instructions on a real machine (architecture, operating systems, compilers courses; computer  engineering)
  4. Applications: Express algorithms for an efficient solution of problems; software engineering for reading/writing/testing/maintaining software.
// Mostly, I'm using Absolute C++ (by Walter Savitch) textbook and some of my college notes + CplusPlus website as a reference. The rest will be my notes/posts/codes and/or other sources.

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4th→ assembler translates it to the machine language. 1.6 [20] <§1.6> Consider two diļ¬€erent implementations of the same instru...